Racism Is Not OK: Where Do We Start?
August 13, 2017
Not one to watch the news much anymore, I learned about the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, while scrolling through Facebook. It took me a few moments to grasp the enormity and the reality of the situation. I felt like I was seeing pictures from history books of conflicts long resolved. Not so. What is replaying,… read more »
Why I Love the Beautiful, Messed-Up Local Church
August 7, 2017
Inside: Have you been disillusioned, hurt, or put off by the local church? It certainly is messed up. Consider these reasons to give it another chance. Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash We start singing the first song, voices raised, hearts settling, some of us still finding our seats. To my left, a young mom kindly eyes… read more »
One of the Best Ways to Grow in Your Faith
June 21, 2017
Inside: One of the best ways to grow in your faith is to notice how God is working in your life. Yes, this can happen through trials and persecutions, but if that’s not quite what you had in mind, read on! Bible journaling might be just what you are looking for. Disclosure: This page may contain… read more »
Tween Parenting: 3 Surprising Reasons to Say YES to Your Tween!
May 25, 2017
Hi, Everyone, I have an article published over at Like Minded Musings today. Lee Felix has gathered the best advice, tips, and encouragement for parenting tweens, those lovely children ages 8 to 12 or so. You know, the ones who are striving for independence, yet won’t let you even think about taking away their stuffed animals. If… read more »
How to Praise God in the Storm
May 19, 2016
Inside: It’s easy to praise God when things are going well. The true test—the harder one—is whether we can learn to praise God during very difficult times. How could praising God make a difference in your life? “Praise is a response to God’s gracious invitation to lift our eyes to Jesus our Savior despite our feelings or… read more »
A Parent’s Blessing
May 1, 2016
Early in my adult life, my parents started the habit of calling me on Sunday nights. My dad would ask me how work was going, and my mom and I would talk gardening and share stories about my siblings, nieces, and nephews. My parents would tell me about their travels, which often revolved around their latest… read more »
Where Will You Meet with God?
March 24, 2016
Where can you meet with God? Abram and God spent time together near the trees of Mamre. These meetings were always marked by a sense of awe, an atmosphere of holiness. This begs the question: Where will you meet with God? In Genesis 12, God called Abram to leave all that he knew and follow… read more »