Two-Year Chronological Bible Journey, 2023-2024

Join our Two-Year Chronological Bible Journey and read the Bible in historical order with a supportive community of women! You’ll only need to read 10 to 15 minutes a day, 5 days a week. You’ll have breathing room each week to catch up or take a break. Sign up to join! (We will start January 2, 2023, but feel free to join in at any time.)

Woman with back to camera, standing on beach, looking at sunrise, arms raised to the side, praising God.

Have you ever wanted to read the Bible cover to cover? Do you find the idea overwhelming? How many times have you started to read through the Bible but have fallen off partway through Genesis or maybe at the start of Leviticus? You are not alone!

Have I got the solution for you!

It helps to have people cheering you along, and that’s what we at Digging Deeper with God are all about: encouraging you in your spiritual walk.

Starting January 2, 2023, we will read through the Bible in historical order together in 2 years! (You can join in at any time and hop in where we’re at.)

Why two years and not one? Well, we have also done a One-Year Bible Journey together, and a few of us made it through, but the pace was unrelenting. Two years offers more people more opportunity for success.

Why not give it a try?

  • We will start on January 2, 2023.
  • You will only need to read 10 to 15 minutes a day.
  • The plan is arranged so you read 5 days a week. This will give you weekends to catch up or take a break.
  • We will read the Bible in chronological order. For example, we will read Psalm 90 (a psalm of Moses) the same day we read Numbers 15.

What will God show you as you open His Word?

Won’t you join us for this Two-Year Chronological Bible Journey?

To Join, Take These Steps:

1.Sign up for the Two-Year Chronological Bible Journey. (If you are already a subscriber, kindly fill out the form again so you are identified as participating in the read-through.)

2. Join the DDWG Community for Women Facebook Group so you can take part in the discussion. We’ll help you know what to read each week. Look for a great discussion and most bonus content there! If you are not on Facebook, you can still participate! I will send you the reading plan soon.

What to Expect on a Two-Year Journey

It is hard to know what the next 2 years will hold: In 2020, three months into our One-Year Bible Journey, the pandemic hit and the bottom dropped out: schools closed, businesses struggled, and fear consumed us. Many people fell ill, and we had to make hard decisions about how and whether to gather with friends and family.

How steadying it was to be encouraged by God’s faithfulness day by day as his story of salvation unfolded before us! Who would ever have imagined what we would experience that year?

Several of us have just finished a Two-Year Bible Journey in 2021 and 2022, and it is remarkable to think back on all of life’s changes these past two years. How faithful God has been through it all!

My sister, who reads along with us, reminded me that when we started that two-year journey, our mom was still living at home and we were trying to figure things out, because we knew she needed assistance. Now, as this year comes to an end, our mom is in a safe, supportive place, we have accomplished an estate sale, and our brother is moving into her house. I also help raise two teenagers, and, goodness, what the last two years have brought!

Whatever life brings your way, whether you experience personal joy or deep sadness, you will be able to rest on the strength and peace that come only from a faithful God.

I will provide bonus content: videos that go with the book or chapter of the Bible, companion readings, fascinating connections, and other tidbits to bring our reading to life! But the best part will be our interaction in the Facebook group. Be sure to participate with us there!

We will start with Genesis on January 2, 2023, but you can join us any time! Each time we start a new book, it’s a great time to join! You can dive in where we are and loop around the following years.

We are having such a great time reading the Bible together. Won’t you come join us?

Remember to:

1. Sign up for the Two-Year Chronological Bible Journey. (If you are already a subscriber, kindly fill out the form again so you are identified as participating in the read-through.)

2. Join the DDWG Community for Women Facebook Group so you can take part in the discussion. If you are not on Facebook, no worries! My sister is one of several people who receives the information by email and participates on their own. Look for several Zoom meetings this year, too, so that we can get to know each other better!

I am so excited to see what God has in store for us! Get ready to renew your spirit and refresh your faith!

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