What Does God Think When You Want to Give Up?
Inside: Where is God when you want to give up? The spiral might start with self-doubt or fear, and pretty soon we have sunk so low that we wonder if we can recover. Worse yet, we worry about what God thinks: Does He care? Is He judging us? Discover the life-changing truth about what God thinks when you want to give up.
Photo by Jad Limcaco on Unsplash
One winter I sunk deep and fast into a depression. I couldn’t trace the source, and it didn’t really matter. I was deeply sad and couldn’t see my way out. With the gray days and early nights of winter, hopelessness took root and tangled my soul.
Desperate for help, I reached out to a friend who I knew lived in daily battle and victory over depression. We met for dinner. She listened graciously and patiently as I said things like, “I don’t know what to do. I keep trying to claw my way out of this. I can’t seem to get myself out of it.”
Gently she asked, “Why do you think you have to get yourself out of it?” This was not-so-secret code for, “You’re trying to do something you cannot do. Only God can do it!”
Please remember that I was not dealing with clinical depression, which is a much more serious condition and one for which I have deep compassion.
I went home that night and threw myself at the Lord’s feet: “Please save me. Only you can do this.”
The next day, the sky was bluer and my countenance somewhat lighter. Several weeks later, I wouldn’t have recognized my previously discouraged self.
When you want to give up–especially when you want to give up–it is more important than ever to listen for God’s voice and surrender to God’s will.
We can learn a lot from a low time in Elijah’s life. You might want to skip down and read 1 Kings 19:1-9, where we see the aftermath of Elijah’s victory over the prophets of Baal. Queen Jezebel threatened Elijah’s life, and in fear, Elijah ran. He ran far and fast and collapsed in utter discouragement.
You may recall that earlier, God had told Elijah to go to the brook Cherith, and God had fed him there. Then God had told Elijah to go to the Zarephath, where He had arranged for a widow to feed Elijah for the duration of the drought.
This time, though, Elijah didn’t wait to hear from God. Fear took over, and he ran for his life. In fact, by the time he reached his destination, God asked him rhetorically, “What are you doing here?” It’s enough to make you wonder where God would have directed Elijah had Elijah waited to hear from the Lord!
Don’t we do the same thing? We let our emotions take over, and we dart about in random directions, not allowing God to speak into the situation.
Consider God’s tender and active compassion in the midst of Elijah’s anguish:
God Touched and Strengthened Elijah
Elijah ran to Beersheba and then ran for a day into the wilderness. There he lay down under a tree and told God it had all been too much. Could God please take away his life? he asked. At this very moment in Elijah’s pit of despair, an angel appeared, touched him, and gave him food and water to strengthen him on his journey.
When you’re too tired and afraid to go on, God has a word, and it isn’t, “I’m disappointed in you” or “Get off your duff.” Instead, it is, “Here, have some food to strengthen you. I am with you for the journey ahead.”
I love that the angel touched Elijah. There is a tenderness in that. In the midst of your despair, don’t run from God’s tender touch. As much as you can muster, let Him in to minister to your soul.
God Blessed Elijah Beyond Our Imagination
I love, love, love this. Are you ready for it?
In his hopelessness, when he could not fathom going on, Elijah pleaded with God, “It is enough; now, O LORD, take away my life, for I am no better than my fathers.”
Now jump for a minute to 2 Kings 2 and ponder this amazing act of compassion: Not only did God not let Elijah die of despair or hunger, but He did not even let Elijah die an earthly death! Despite Elijah’s depression, God spared this fully surrendered servant the perils of death here on earth and instead carried him straight into heaven by a whirlwind, accompanied by chariots and horses of fire.
How compassionate is our God?!!
God Stayed with Elijah Despite Elijah’s Wandering
Our friend Elijah ran for his life without listening for God’s direction. He was about to give up, when God touched him and gave him food and drink to strengthen him for his journey. Finally, when Elijah had traveled a great distance over many days and had settled into a cave in Mount Horeb, God spoke to Elijah. Elijah had failed to listen to God, he had lost confidence in God, and he had taken a few wrong turns. Yet God was with him, guarding, guiding, and directing him.
So it is with us.
What does God think about you when you want to give up?
- He cares for you.
- He wants to touch you and strengthen you.
- He won’t ever leave your side.
Which one of those characteristics of God resonates with you today? Be sure to work through the Digging Deeper questions today or throughout the week, as you consider where God is and what He is doing when you are not feeling up to going on.
Do you need help surrendering your situation to God? Click on one of these links to access a free printable of a Prayer of Surrender!
For questions to guide your quiet time, scroll down to the Digging Deeper questions.
Digging into God’s Word: When You Want to Give Up
Soak in this precious passage of scripture. Let God speak into your life through His word to Elijah.
1 Kings 19:1-9 (ESV)
Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword. 2 Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, “So may the gods do to me and more also, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by this time tomorrow.” 3 Then he was afraid, and he arose and ran for his life and came to Beersheba, which belongs to Judah, and left his servant there.
4 But he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness and came and sat down under a broom tree. And he asked that he might die, saying, “It is enough; now, O LORD, take away my life, for I am no better than my fathers.” 5 And he lay down and slept under a broom tree. And behold, an angel touched him and said to him, “Arise and eat.” 6 And he looked, and behold, there was at his head a cake baked on hot stones and a jar of water. And he ate and drank and lay down again. 7 And the angel of the LORD came again a second time and touched him and said, “Arise and eat, for the journey is too great for you.” 8 And he arose and ate and drank, and went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights to Horeb, the mount of God.
The LORD Speaks to Elijah
9 There he came to a cave and lodged in it. And behold, the word of the LORD came to him, and he said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
Digging Deeper: God’s Word for You Today
Enjoy this time with the Lord! Breathe. As you are able, spend time with God, reflecting on these questions or journaling your thoughts.
1. Read 1 Kings 19:1-9. What evidence of God’s care for Elijah do you see in this passage? When has God shown care to you in your life?
2. Can you relate to Elijah’s fear and fatigue? Do you know that feeling of wanting to give up? What in this passage encourages you to trust God to sustain you?
3. In today’s passage, Elijah forgot to wait for direction from the Lord. Is there an area of life for which you’d like to ask God for direction? Pray about that now, asking God to help you trust Him and to help you surrender to Him. If you like, you can use the prayer of surrender below, or print out your free printable of it here (8.5 X 11 version, half-page version).
Dear Lord, I come to you now, in need of your wisdom and direction. I bring to you this situation [name it, describe it]. . . . I open my hands and my heart to hear from you [open your hands]. Help me to hear your voice clearly. . . . What you have asked me to do, help me to do with faith and courage. What you have asked me to release, help me to release to you and not grab back as if I know better than you. I surrender to your will. Give my feet your direction and my will your will instead. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
4. As you worship with these songs, let them breathe life into you:
God I Look to You (Francesca Battistelli)
Forever Reign (Running to Your Arms; Hillsong)
One Thing Remains (Your Love Never Fails; Jesus Culture)
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To start this series from the beginning, click this link: Elijah: Fully Surrendered.
Tywana, I will pray for you. I’m so very, very sorry. I hope you haven’t given up on God. He loves you, despite whatever your emotions may be trying to tell you. A song says, “Oh, How He Loves You and Me.” This is a never-failing truth. God is with us for the long haul, the low and dark times as well as the “high” and bright times. I see this comment you wrote is around 1.5 years old. I hope that God has brought blessings into your life since this very low time. Please do update, if you have a chance. I’m concerned about you. Also, God has many different ways that He can make our lives amazing! Trust me, the way you THOUGHT your life was going to become amazing is not the only way that your life could be amazing!! There are many avenues God can take to make our life amazing. I really pray that He has begun to work already in new and unexpected ways to do this for you since the time of your writing this. Oh, Tywana – my heart is so with you! Please update, if you can, and let us know if things are better!
I am close to giving up on God and Jesus. 40 years of nothing has made it nearly impossible to trust God any longer. I cry a lot over God’s lack of involvement in my life. It is extremely heartbreaking to find that God doesn’t care. Why is God torturing me? I don’t know how much longer I can endure a life knowing that God isn’t there for me. This is misery. Thanks and may God Bless You, in Jesus name, Amen
Dear Kenneth,
God is closer than you think, always nearer than we can imagine. I am sorry for your pain and loss. Please know that Jesus is with you. Her is a breath away.
My typing error: He is a breath away.
I to am at the end and want have God remove this world. I feel I am not worth saving. I feel God has given up on it. I have prayed for strength and wisdom. I have prayed for death. I really don’t want to die. I just don’t want to live like this. If anyone can help please do. I don’t feel like I don’t deserve to talk to God. I have ask time after time for God to remove this evil from me. I feel like God is not listening to me or that I am not worth his time. I would love to be a good person. At one point in my life I felt I was a good person and I not sure anymore maybe I never was a good person and maybe that is why I feel so bad about this. If I was I pray to be that way again before I became a bad person that I can not
I feel that God has given up on me. I never have given up on him please help.
Lord I need you in every area of my life. I’m struggling, I’m depressed, filled with anxiety and failing at everything I do. I can’t pass any test that I study for. I just feel like giving up.
This article is nothing more than to give you a placebo effect. A joke a lie and a con.
In a way you are right. Most of modern American Christianity deals with devotional or topical extraction ‘placebos’ and ignores cultural/history of a text or passage. We try to read ‘verses’ for help, for blessing, for wisdom, etc, without realizing we are reading acts of history involving primarily Hebrew people – those acts already happened and they will not happen again. There will probably not be another down in the dumps Elijah being fed by the brook or taken to heaven in that fashion, so to try and use this story as some parallel to ‘God will help you, blah, blah’ is somewhat a placebo and the author fails to realize that. It doesn’t really solve the problem for you the present individual seeking counsel, support, or comfort. I mean, maybe if we were all OT prophets similar to Elijah we could expect God’s help like that – otherwise, probably not. Context is everything.
On other side of this however, there are many places in the biblical texts where the ‘promises’ of God are generic unto all humans, both Hebrew and Gentile, throughout history that will call out to him – but the texts almost NEVER say how or when or in what fashion he responds to those who cry. When it comes to ‘giving up’, sometimes you have to, and it’s okay. There are times I’ve just had to give up. Sometimes the situation rectifies itself shortly; and yet in some areas I’m still waiting. To fall or fail at something, even your ‘faith’, is simply to be a human being existing in a time and place you didn’t ask for or were asked about! It’s quite humbling. Even humiliating for some of us as we journey from cradle to grave. I suggest you do as the 16th century priest told a man who said, “I’m read to give up; I’m so angry at God for not helping.” The priest replied, “I would that men like you would beat your fists against the chest of God.” I’ve always liked that. You have to get real. You have to express your anger, your frustration, your disappointment, your tears, your struggles, your inability to have faith or save yourself, and so forth. That’s what surrender means – and in that part of the post the author is correct – you have to surrender to God’s will, timing, decision – and trust me – it is hard as hell to do that. No easy road, no instant magic pill solutions – you’ll have to walk it out in real time, and that’s where most of us struggle, even to the point of thinking God is a liar and a con artist pulling one over on us.