A Refresher in Our Study of Elisha
We have been digging deep in our study of Elisha. I hope you have been as thrilled at the richness of God’s Word as I have, and I also hope you have found insights and applications for your life. We have watched as God worked stunning miracles and showed great compassion for people through Elisha. He can do the same for us!
Before we take in the last few events of Elisha’s life, let’s take some time to review or catch up.
Did you miss any of the devotions or have to work through one too fast? Click on any of the links below to find the previous devotions in this series. If you do not sense a need to review any of the devotions, scroll down to find unique Digging Deeper questions to guide you in your time with the Lord today.
Devotion 1: Prepare to Be Blown Away: A Preview of Elisha (Start here!)
Devotion 2: Are You All In? The Call of Elisha (The call of Elisha)
Devotion 3: Who Will You Walk With? Elijah and Elisha (a favorite; Elijah taken to heaven in a whirliwind)
Devotion 4: Obedience or Rebellion: Which Will It Be? (Elisha succeeds Elisha; some boys mock Elisha)
Devotion 5: What Hard Thing Do You Need God to Do? (If this miracle was “light” for God, imagine what He can do in your life! Moab revolts; or three kings band together against Moab.)
Devotion 6: What Do You Need God to Provide? (Notice the widow’s level-headed actions in the midst of her grief and anxiety; Elisha and the widow’s oil)
Devotion 7: Hospitality: A Call to Open Hearts and Homes (Elisha and the Shunammite woman)
Devotion 8: Where Do You Turn When You Need Help? (Elisha raises the Shunammite’s son)
Devotion 9: Purify Us, Oh God! (Elisha purifies the deadly stew)
Devotion 10: What If We Were Brave Enough to Open Our Hands? (a favorite; Feeding of a hundred)
Devotion 11: Hearing God’s Voice in the Ordinary: Naaman Healed of Leprosy (sweet conviction; Naaman healed of leprosy)
Devotion 12: When You Need to Know God Knows: Gehazi’s Greed and Punishment (Gehazi’s greed and punishment)
Devotion 13: How to Handle Your Burdens: The Axe Head Recovered (The axe head recovered)
Devotion 14: When You Need to Know Angels Have You: Horses and Chariots of Fire (a favorite; Horses and chariots of fire)
Digging Deeper
If you want unique questions from any of those found in the previous devotions, this spot is for you! Enjoy your time with the Lord! Reflect on these questions or journal your thoughts. Listen for what God says to you during your quiet time with Him.
Psalm 91 begins:
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
3 For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler
and from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you with his pinions,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.
1. What do you need to take refuge from today, resting in God’s care?
2. How have you seen God’s faithfulness expressed to you recently or earlier in your life? How does this help you trust Him for what you are facing today?
3. Write a prayer or psalm of thanksgiving to Jesus, thanking Him for all He has done in your life.
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You can find devotions in other series by clicking on the Devotions button at www.DiggingDeeperwithGod.com or at the links below.
- Abraham
- Getting to Know Jesus
- I am the Lord: Isaiah 44 & 45
- All in a Day’s Work
- Beauty for Ashes
- All In: A Study of Elisha