Have You Seen a Miracle? When God Writes on Your Heart
Inside: Have you seen a miracle? Sometimes God takes our breath away and we stand, arms raised, amazed and humbled at what He has done. Join us as we look at miracles in the Bible and reflect on what they mean for our lives.
Today we begin a series on miracles, and I cannot wait! I have been so anxious to dig into this topic. I have titled the series “Have You Seen a Miracle?” and as we dig into God’s Word on this topic, I’d like you to probe your memory and take notice: Have you seen a miracle?
A few weeks ago, I attended the Fervent Tour, led by Priscilla Shirer and her brother, Anthony Evans. After her brother opened with a refreshing time of worship and praise, Priscilla deftly led the audience in a powerful time of prayer. Topic by topic, she asked people to stand who had experienced a special touch from God: healing of a marriage, recovery from addiction, renewal of passionate faith. Those people then prayed for others in the audience who hungered to experience that same touch from God.
As she introduced the last topic, I wondered how many in the audience of 3,000 would stand. Had anyone in the audience experienced healing from the Lord? Had there been a healing of disease or infirmity: the X-ray or medical test that once meant ongoing sickness or imminent death was now inexplicably clear? There was no explanation other than the hand of God?
I expected three or four people to stand. But as Priscilla finished her request, person after person stood until at least 100 women and men had risen to their feet. It might have been 200 or 300. I didn’t think to count, I was so convicted at my low expectations. I noticed that these people stood in humility and gratitude, a serious understanding of what God had done in their lives affecting their countenance.
As Priscilla asked those in the audience who needed miraculous healing to raise their hands, it became clear that hands were not needed. In the row behind me, several seats down, tears immediately flowed, and then mine flowed for that woman. Her girlfriends reached to touch her, others of us held our hands toward her, and we prayed, one of hundreds of groups in that auditorium pleading with God to do in these women’s lives what He had done in so many others.
Physical healing. Take that in.
But miracles come in other forms, too. I have never experienced a physical healing that I know of. However, I have shared in past devotions about discovering the miraculous stash of frozen pizzas when my refrigerator was bare, and of receiving the postmarked envelope with the naively unrealistic date by which I had requested a daycare license, license inside, envelope postmarked by God.
Some miracles are so personal, we tend not to share them. I’ve experienced several of those in the last few years, many, I am convinced, the result of my mother’s prayers after our Sunday night phone conversations.
Two I can share:
I am involved in raising two young girls, and I am immensely grateful to their mom for letting me participate in her children’s lives. They are treasured possessions to our heavenly Father. How do I know this?
Miracle #1: If you have children or have raised yours already, and I mention middle school, you know that they are entering the most perplexing, confusing stage of their young lives. I am routinely reminded of how very little I know about how to help the girls navigate these years. But God knows exactly what they need.
This past year, both girls were assigned to male school teachers. What?! We had not even thought to pray for this. We had no idea what this year would hold, but God knew, and He knew how important steady male role models would be at this very time in their lives. Oh, our God is so compassionate.
Miracle #2: Every year, we go through a process of petitioning the school district to let the girls attend the schools that are convenient to my home. The reasons for this are compelling, but we struggle to communicate them in ways an administrator would also find compelling!
Three times the school district had approved the request. But now the school district was restructuring the district, dividing the schools by different grade levels and redrawing school boundary lines. The girls live across a highway in a different city. A different city.
How would the lines be drawn?
I attended an information session that ended with a walk past a display of the new boundary lines. I stood staring at the display, taking it in, doing a double-take and then reading it yet again to be sure. I could feel my upper lip turning red, my personal portent of tears to come.
I walked out of the school, avoiding other parents’ eyes, holding back tears over boundary lines that a school district had drawn on a display board.
The girls’ apartment complex that is in another town had not only remained within our school district, but was now linked with the very schools we routinely petitioned for. No more letters with words struggling to convey the need. God had drawn it in the boundary lines.
Sometimes He takes our breath away! Has God done that for you? Have you seen a miracle? It might be a miracle of physical healing, and it might be another type of miracle altogether.
I’d love to hear about it. You can write it vaguely to protect the personal parts, or you can tell us all of the details. You can share it below in the conversation on this post, or you can share it on the DDWG Facebook page at www.facebook.com/DiggingDeeperwithGod.
Let us know how God has worked in your life.
Oh, we serve a mighty God! Come journey with us these next few weeks as we look at miracles in the Bible and reflect on what they mean for our lives.
Be sure to dig into God’s Word below and reflect on this week’s Digging Deeper questions.
Digging into God’s Word: Have You Seen a Miracle?
The day the crowds followed Jesus around the lake, they had no idea they would see a miracle. And the miracle wasn’t for someone else. It was for them! They had run toward Jesus on impulse, not thinking to bring food for supper. The place was desolate, not a storefront in sight. The disciples wanted to send the people on their way, but Jesus had another idea.
Matthew 14:13-21 (ESV)
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
13 Now when Jesus heard this, he withdrew from there in a boat to a desolate place by himself. But when the crowds heard it, they followed him on foot from the towns. 14 When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick. 15 Now when it was evening, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a desolate place, and the day is now over; send the crowds away to go into the villages and buy food for themselves.” 16 But Jesus said, “They need not go away; you give them something to eat.” 17 They said to him, “We have only five loaves here and two fish.” 18 And he said, “Bring them here to me.” 19 Then he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass, and taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing. Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds. 20 And they all ate and were satisfied. And they took up twelve baskets full of the broken pieces left over. 21 And those who ate were about five thousand men, besides women and children.
Digging Deeper: Have You Seen a Miracle?
Treasure this time with the Lord. Reflect on or journal about the following questions, listening for what God has to say to you.
1. Have you seen a miracle? If so, how did the miracle change your view of God?
~What did God write on your heart by performing the miracle? (What did He teach you or show you about Himself?)
~What about that miracle is worth remembering and tucking away for the future?
If you cannot point to a miracle in your or someone else’s life, ask God to be involved in your life and to open your eyes to see His hand at work.
2. What does it mean to you that God still does miracles today? What does that tell you about God? How does that help you for what you are facing in your life at this time?
3. Worship with these songs as you reflect on miracles of long ago and even today. Choose one or all of the songs to listen to, or come back to these songs throughout the week.
Miracles (Jesus Culture)
Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies) (Chris Tomlin)
Multiplied (Needtobreathe)
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You can find Past Devotions from other series on the website under the Devotions menu or at www.diggingdeeperwithgod.com/past-devotions/.
Three of the most popular series have been Lead Me to the Rock, Hope Springs Eternal, and All In: A Study of Elisha.
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