Devotion 4 in the series Oh Give Thanks: A Thanksgiving Prayer

A Thanksgiving Prayer – The Best Way to Start Your Day

Today we return thanks with this Thanksgiving Prayer. Whatever your day looks like, God is near. He is for you, not against you. His love shines through the darkness.

A Thanksgiving Prayer_woman standing by trees, praying eyes lifted to heaven

Thanksgiving Prayer

Dear Gracious Heavenly Father,

Today we come to you with thanksgiving in our hearts and at our tables,
and we invite you to both:
Invade our hearts.
Join us at our table.

Thank you for our family and friends
and the special memories we have made together this year.
We have laughed and cried
and hugged and held hands,
and these acts of kindness have softened
the rough edges of our lives.

Please comfort people who have lost loved ones this year.
Their table may be less one person,
and we ask you to fill their heart with your presence.
(If this person is you, God’s deep peace to you.)

Be with people today who do not have plenty.
We ask you to be with people who have lost homes, crops, jobs, and sustenance for daily living,
and we plead with you to supply all their needs.
Show us how to extend our hand of friendship and material blessing.

We thank you for the simple things in life
that we would have missed if it weren’t for your hand:

sunrises and sunsets
brilliant full moons and clear constellations
fields of harvest and trees with giant shade
rhythmic ocean waves
puppies and kittens that give unconditional love
warm beds
comfort food
funny jokes
(add your favorites)

We thank you for the bigger things in life:

faith and hope
justice and mercy
and especially the sacrifice of Jesus for our eternal well-being

We ask you to heal our hearts and lives.
Help us love each other more fully every day.
Thank you for all of these good gifts.
We love you so very much. Thank you for loving us.

In Jesus’ Name we pray,


Click on the link to get a beautiful free printable of this prayer!

Thanksgiving Prayer Printable (this is a full-color PDF)

Thanksgiving Prayer Printable, ink saving version (this is an ink-saver version, also a PDF)


Thanksgiving Songs

In your quiet time or as you cook turkey or flip through channels looking for the football game, enjoy singing with these songs of thanksgiving:

My Story (Big Daddy Weave – This is my story, this is my song)

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow (the doxology)

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  1. […] Digging Deeper with God – A Thanksgiving Prayer – This prayer is wonderful to read yourself on Thanksgiving morning or share with a group before the meal. Includes a free printable. […]

  2. […] A Thanksgiving Prayer – The Best Way to Start Your Day by Christine Drews, Digging Deeper with God […]

  3. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing

    • Digging Deeper with God says:

      You’re welcome! I hope you had a very nice Thanksgiving and that your thankful spirit continues into the Christmas season.

  4. […] A Thanksgiving Prayer – The Best Way to Start Your Day by Christine Drews, Digging Deeper with God […]

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