Back to School Prayer for Parents (sending a child to grade school, college, boot camp, or a job far away)
Inside: Sending a child back to school or off to college, boot camp, or a job far away can send even the most stoic of hearts reeling. Join me in this back to school prayer to help place your child in Jesus’ care.
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Photo by pan xiaozhen on Unsplash
Is your throat catching at sending a child off to school, college, boot camp, or even a job far away? It has gone by too fast, you might think, and, if you’re like me, you wonder if your child is ready.
What did you miss along the way, as thousands of ordinary days linked together to build this precious life? Could you have modeled one more lesson in character, taught one more skill, hugged one more time?
Oh, dear one, you were good enough! Because it wasn’t all you! God was in it: In all those ordinary moments of bedtimes, play times, packing lunches and sports equipment, hounding over homework, brushing teeth, doing dishes, pulling siblings apart from arguments, God was in it. He saw how you prayed and encouraged and cheered on your child. He saw how you fretted and fought and collapsed into bed, exhausted from joys and sorrows and so many loads of laundry! And He was in it.
All the while the Holy Spirit has been working in your child’s life and in yours, and now, on the brink of this new thing–grade school, middle school, high school, college, boot camp, or the job far away–God is still there, faithfully working all things for good for those who love him and are called according to his purpose.
So now we bow our heads together–whether you are elated at this new step or have tears streaming down your face–and we ask our heavenly Father to continue to be in it.
A Prayer As I Send Off My Children
Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to you today all undone about this next step my children are taking. Please be with my children and comfort my heart.
Thank you for all that you have brought our way: Thank you for our warm and happy memories and for getting us through very tough times. I see your faithful hand, and I ask you to help me trust you for the future.
As my children take this next step, please be with them. Help them to remember all that I have taught them and all that you have instilled in them. Help them to be kind and caring, helpful to other people, strong in character, and warriors for you and for people who need your love.
Open their hearts to your will, and open their minds to learn new things. Above all, help them to know who they are as children of God, and give them an unshakable confidence that comes from knowing your love for them.
For my young children, help them to find their way! Give them good friends and faithful teachers. Let your light shine in their schools and in their hearts. I ask for a positive experience for them–that school would be exciting and fun and full of good opportunities to learn and grow!
There will be challenges, and I ask you to give me abundant wisdom as I parent my children through those.
Help them to hear your voice and follow you.
For my children going far away: I am not able to tuck them in at night anymore or make sure they get home safe and sound. They don’t know how much I looked out for them while they were under my roof!
Temptations will be all around them. Guard and guide them, Lord. Help them to make good choices and to make good friends. Please continue to point them to you, Lord: Place people around them who will influence them for you, and open their hearts to receive your love and your guidance.
Help them to hear your voice and follow you.
Walk with me today, Jesus, and comfort my heart. I am sad, excited, anxious, and a zillion other emotions. Thank you for keeping all of us in your tender loving care. I give my children into your hands, trusting in your faithfulness. Help me to trust you all the more!
In Jesus’ name I pray,
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash
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Praying for our kids is such a great privilege! Thank you for the specific guidance you give!