Archive for March, 2017

Be Strong, Have Hope, and Wait for God

March 27, 2017

Remember waiting in line for Space Mountain at Disney World? You thought you might die, the wait was so long. As adults, we wait even longer for more difficult things. Discover how hope can sustain you as you wait for God. Remember as a kid waiting for Christmas morning? How did all those presents magically appear,… read more »

When You Need to Place Your Hope in a Sure Thing

March 20, 2017

We want life to be sure. When we plan for good weather, but the storm clouds roll in, where can we find our hope? Let the word of God speak to your heart. What in life is a sure thing? Not much! Yet, how we long for certainty: We feel content in the sureness of… read more »

Hope Springs Eternal! When You Need to Know Life Will Get Better

March 13, 2017

Hope springs eternal, they say. What does that mean, and why can we continue to hope, even if there is no evidence indicating what we want will come to pass? Does hope spring eternal? Several years ago, my dad died suddenly and unexpectedly. We very quickly saw God’s hand in the circumstances and timing of his death,… read more »

How to Leave a No-Strings-Attached Legacy of Redemption

March 6, 2017

So many times we expect a person to turn their life around, when really the prayer should be for the starting point: redemption. How can we leave a legacy of redemption with no strings attached? Don’t you just love finding a good deal or getting something that feels like it was free? I earned points… read more »

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