40 Days of Decrease Lent Challenge! 2019

I want to invite you to do Lent with me! I will be hosting a study as we work through the book 40 Days of Decrease: A Different Kind of Hunger, a Different Kind of Fast by Alicia Britt Chole.

This book has been so meaningful to me! I invite you to join me in focusing less on ourselves and more on our Lord during the weeks leading up to Easter.

  • We will start on March 4 with the introduction, and then more officially on Wednesday, March 6, for Ash Wednesday.
  • Each day’s reading is about 3 pages, and there is also a reading from the Gospel of John.
  • Each day, Alicia challenges us to fast something. These are meaningful and sometimes surprising! The first week includes these fasts:
    -Lent as a project
    -Collecting praise
    -Artificial light
    -Tidy faith
    See? They are very unique and quite meaningful.
  • We will read each day’s devotion and then come to the DDWG Community for Women Facebook Group for quick discussion. I’ll likely post one question or thought for each day, so as to not overwhelm us!
  • If you want to join in on this, you will want to order the book 40 Days of Decrease: A Different Kind of Hunger, a Different Kind of Fast by Alicia Britt Chole.

(affiliate link)

Following is an excerpt from the book’s Introduction:

What might be the fruit of fasting stinginess? What would happen if our churches fasted spectatorship? What might occur if our families fasted accumulation? What could change if our offices fasted revisionism? What might erupt if a new generation fasted escapism? Such fasts could trigger a spiritual revolution.

40 Days of Decrease guides readers through a study of Jesus’ uncommon and uncomfortable call to abandon the world’s illusions, embrace His kingdom’s realities, and journey cross-ward and beyond. . . . Each day . . . features a devotional based upon Jesus’ life, guidance for reflection, suggested (and occasionally surprising) daily fasts, an inspiring quote for prayerful meditation, . . . and a suggested Scripture reading with journaling space.

This will be a great journey to take this Lent! To join this challenge, do these three things:

  1. Sign up for Digging Deeper with God. If you are already a subscriber, shoot me an email at christinedrews2@gmail.com to let me know you want to participate in this challenge.
  2. Join the DDWG Community for Women Facebook group.
  3. Order the book!

(affiliate link)


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